Road Shot Blasting Machine

Wire mesh belt shot blasting machine/Sand blast Equipment is mainly used for thin-walled castings, thin-walled and fragile iron or aluminum alloy castings, ceramic and other small parts surface shot blasting.High quality Mesh belt-type shot blasting machine can also be used for mechanical parts shot blasting and strengthen. with a small continuity, high cleaning efficiency, deformation is small, no pit and other characteristics;It can be used alone, also can use more than one combination.
Csutomizable wire mesh belt shot blasting machines were developed according the market demand. The wire mesh belt structure ,steel shot when the road network with speed according to the frequency control of the artifact types,shot blasting will be more uniform,clean-up time will be greatly reduced addition,the workpiece will bot collide,it will not fall to also to deal with tin-walled afraid of collision of various parts mesh belt shot blasting machine to achieve the small and medium-sized continuous casting operations,delivery devices through both ends of the configuration can be achieved and line,fully automated operation,both to avoid the collision between the workpiece,but also greatly improve the efficiency of the clean-up.

Qingdao Puhua Heavy Industrial Group is a professional wire mesh belt Shot Blasting Machine manufactures and Suppliers from China wire mesh belt Shot Blasting Machine Factory.There may be a lot of wire mesh belt Shot Blasting Machine manufacturers out there, but not all wire mesh belt Shot Blasting Machine manufacturers are alike. Our professional expertise in manufacturing wire mesh belt Shot Blasting Machine has been honed over the past 15+ years.

Efficient mobile road shot blasting machines are a premium partner in construction and industry.

The road shot blasting machine is to mechanically project projectiles (steel shot or sand) onto the working surface at a high speed and a certain angle, so that the projectile hits the road surface, and the road surface after shot blasting is clean and smooth. It has a hard texture and a relatively uniform texture, making the surface smooth and rough. At the same time, the negative pressure generated by the dust collector recovers the particles and cleaned impurities and dust. After the air is purified, the intact particles are automatically recovered. Impurities and dust also fall into the dust box. It can realize dust-free and pollution-free construction, which not only improves the efficiency, but also protects the environment. Therefore, the manufacturer of road shot blasting machines is also one of the members of the Environmental Protection Association.

Construction field of road shot blasting machine:

1. Industrial anti-corrosion and waterproof construction field:

2. In the field of road maintenance and maintenance:

Coating pretreatment of industrial floor; Anti-skid treatment and oil flooding treatment of road surface;

Coating pretreatment of steel surface; road finish treatment;

Waterproof surface treatment of concrete bridges; Anti-slip cleaning treatment of tunnels;

Steel box bridge surface anti-corrosion pretreatment; marking line cleaning;

Qingdao Puhua Heavy Industrial Group is a professional road Shot Blasting Machine manufactures and Suppliers from China road Shot Blasting Machine Factory.There may be a lot of road Shot Blasting Machine manufacturers out there, but not all road Shot Blasting Machine manufacturers are alike. Our professional expertise in manufacturing road Shot Blasting Machine has been honed over the past 15+ years.

The basic function of road shot blasting machine

The road shot blasting machine can clean the surface laitance and impurities of the concrete at one time, and can roughen the surface of the concrete to make the surface uniform and rough, which greatly improves the adhesion strength between the waterproof layer and the concrete base layer, so that the waterproof layer and The bridge deck is better integrated and can also fully expose the cracks in the concrete, thus preventing problems before they occur.

Road shot blasting machines are widely used

*Remove asphalt road attachments

*Steel bridge deck surface cleaning and roughening treatment

*Tunnel maintenance

*Maintenance of airport runways

*Surface cleaning of municipal road paving

Technical advantages of road shot blasting machine

*The shot blaster has a unique structure and the material has good impact toughness. The internal guard plate of the shot blaster is made of thickened Mn12 alloy steel. The wear life of the internal guard plate is about 10 years.

*Easy to operate, clean up and evacuate at any time

*You can adjust the machine operating speed, abrasive steel grit supply, dust removal pulse backflush cycle, dust removal filter cartridge cleaning interval, etc. Adjustment of parameter combinations to flexibly achieve the best cleaning effect

*The construction process is dust-free and pollution-free

*Abrasive steel grit with low loss

*The machine has a simple structure, is easy to disassemble and assemble, and is easy to maintain and repair.

Working conditions of road shot blasting machine

*Working surface unevenness <20mm; slope <25°; no water accumulation and relatively dry; relative humidity <95%

*Altitude: 0~3000m; Do not operate in rain or snow weather

Maintenance of road shot blasting machine

*Regular lubrication

*Regular inspection

*Improve operating environment

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Easy-Maintainable Road Shot Blasting Machine dikare bi taybetî ji Puhua were xweş kirin. Ew yek ji hilberîner û peydakerên li Chinaînê ye. Sêwirana me hêmanên nûjen, pêşkeftî, nûtirîn, domdar û yên din vedigire. Em dikarin ji we re piştrast bikin ku kalîteya bilind Road Shot Blasting Machine bi bihayek kêm e. Tê payîn ku hilberên me yên ku li Chinaînê têne çêkirin bibin yek ji marqeyan. Hûn ji bihayê me aciz nabin, em dikarin navnîşa bihayê xwe bidin we. Gava ku hûn vebêjê dibînin, hûn ê bibînin ku firotana herî paşîn Road Shot Blasting Machine bi pejirandina CE dikare bi bihayek erzan were kirîn. Ji ber ku dabînkirina kargeha me di stokê de ye, hûn dikarin piraniya wê daxistinê bikirin. Em dikarin nimûneyên belaş jî ji we re peyda bikin. Berhemên me yek sal ermanî heye. Li hêviya xebata bi we re me.
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